How To Initiate Sex: How 21 Women Initiate Sex

Curious about how to initiate sex in a way that's sure to please? We've gathered tips from 21 women who know what they're talking about. From setting the mood to making the first move, these ladies have got you covered. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or just getting to know someone new, there's something for everyone. Check out this site for more advice and inspiration.

Initiating sex can be a nerve-wracking experience for both men and women. The fear of rejection, uncertainty about your partner's desires, and the pressure to make the first move can make the process intimidating. However, initiating sex can also be an incredibly empowering and exciting experience. To help demystify the process, we asked 21 women to share their experiences and strategies for initiating sex. Here's what they had to say:

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Setting the Mood

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Setting the mood is crucial when initiating sex. Many women emphasized the importance of creating a romantic and intimate atmosphere to make their partners feel desired and comfortable. Some suggested lighting candles, playing soft music, or giving their partners a massage to set the mood. Others mentioned the importance of verbal affirmations and compliments to make their partners feel appreciated and wanted. One woman even mentioned that she likes to surprise her partner by leaving little notes around the house expressing her desire for him.

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Non-Verbal Cues

Non-verbal cues are a subtle yet effective way to initiate sex. Many women mentioned using body language and physical touch to convey their desire for their partners. Some said they would make prolonged eye contact, bite their lips, or touch their partners' hands or arms to signal their interest in sex. Others mentioned initiating physical intimacy by cuddling, kissing, or initiating a steamy make-out session to let their partners know they were in the mood.

Direct Communication

Direct communication was also a popular strategy among the women we interviewed. Many said they would simply tell their partners that they wanted to have sex. Some mentioned using dirty talk or explicit language to express their desires, while others preferred to have a candid conversation about their sexual desires and fantasies. One woman mentioned that she would send her partner a sexy text or picture to let him know she was thinking about him and wanted to get intimate.


Spontaneity was another common theme among the women we spoke to. Many mentioned that they enjoyed initiating sex in unexpected or unconventional ways. Some said they would surprise their partners with a spontaneous seduction, while others mentioned initiating sex in unusual locations, such as the kitchen or the car. One woman even mentioned initiating sex by suggesting a role-playing scenario or trying out a new sexual position to spice things up.

Playing Hard to Get

Playing hard to get was a playful and flirtatious strategy mentioned by some of the women we interviewed. Some said they would tease their partners and playfully deny their advances to build sexual tension and anticipation. Others mentioned using playful banter or flirting to build up the sexual energy before finally giving in to their partners' advances.

Taking Charge

Taking charge and being assertive was a strategy favored by some of the women we spoke to. Many mentioned that they enjoyed taking the lead and being the initiator in the bedroom. Some said they would take control by initiating foreplay or initiating sex without waiting for their partners to make the first move. Others mentioned using assertive language and physical dominance to show their partners that they were in the mood for sex.

Final Thoughts

Initiating sex can be a thrilling and empowering experience for women. Whether they prefer to set the mood, use non-verbal cues, communicate directly, embrace spontaneity, play hard to get, or take charge, there are countless ways for women to initiate sex and express their desires for their partners. By sharing their experiences and strategies, these women have provided valuable insights into the art of initiating sex and have hopefully inspired others to feel more confident and empowered in their sexual relationships.